About The Pledge
A Pledge For Businesses Of All Sizes
It is intended to celebrate and promote good practice - not point to lack of activity or bad practice – and your commitment to the pledge and the work that you are doing will be used to inspire more companies and organisations to consider and make improvements around equality, diversity and inclusion themselves.
You can sign up by undertaking change or activity in just one of the pledge pillars below over a twelve month period.

What To Consider Before Signing-up To The Pledge:
- Have a look over the pledge pillars at the bottom of this page, read our guidance and view our case studies to see examples of what your business/company/organisation could do; the more informed you are before making the pledge, the more equipped your be if you decide to commit.
- At the point of signing up, you are pledging to make meaningful change and implement initiatives within your business/company/organisation to improve equality, diversity and inclusion in the areas defined in the pledge pillars; be completely sure your business/company/organisation can and want to make such a commitment.
- This can either be a commitment to introducing new activity, or to continue to work on initiatives you may already have in place which improve equality, diversity and inclusion within your business/company/organisation.
- You will be asked to provide some basic information about yourself as the representative applying, your business/company/organisation and give examples of how you intend to fulfil at least one of the pledge pillars; but please commit to all three if you can!
- Once you’re signed up, your business/company/organisation will be listed under one of the tiers of the pledge on the #RaiseTheGame website.
- Once a year we will contact you to review your status and gather examples of how you have achieved the goals you defined in each of the pledge points as a form of accountability to prove you are practicing what your preaching to us; of course we will be on hand throughout the year to support you in the commitment.
Our Pledge Pillars
We want games businesses, companies and organisations to be able to demonstrate change and/or activity in one of the pledge pillars below over a twelve month period:
Creating a diverse workforce
by recruiting as fairly and widely as possible.
Shaping inclusive and welcoming places to work
by educating and inspiring people to take more personal responsibility for fostering and promoting diversity and inclusion.
Reflecting greater diversity in our work
By striving for this in everything we do, from game design and development, through to marketing and other support services.