Make The Pledge
Fill-in the application form below to register your interest and get involved in the pledge!
It’s easy to sign-up to the #RaiseTheGame pledge.
All we need to kickstart your involvement in the pledge is the following details:
- Information about you as the applicant.
- The business/company/organisation you are representing in your application.
- How you will pledge to improve equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in one or more of our pledge pillars within your business/company/organisation; although please commit to all three if you can.
- Any additional details you think we should know.
Once received and reviewed, we’ll then be in touch to either confirm that you’re onboard or ask for more information if needed!
If you're ready to make the pledge then what we need from you is:
Speak To Someone?
If you wanted to speak to someone before signing up and find out more details you can...