International Women's Day 2021
By Dominic Shaw on 08/03/2021
Today is 8th March 2021, Today is International Women's Day (IWD) ♀
For many, IWD is a significant and important day that celebrates women's voices being heard. It gives us a fantastic opportunity to gain insight, share stories and see the challenges faced by women and marginalised genders overall, on the other hand it also presents the opportunity to highlight the strength and unity we have for others in the games industry.
At Ukie we are proud to say that half of our team is made up of passionate, resilient & insanely talented women from various backgrounds and range of disciplines.

Though we do acknowledge as a sector, video games still have a long way to go in making it a fair playing field for all marginalised genders since we still see an incredible amount of gender bias and inequality in our day to day lives; both working and personal. But hopefully seeing small but positively increasing changes year on year gives hope for the future as we continue to challenge stigmas and negative stereotypes.
Alongside the pledge there are some great initiatives in the UK making impact, giving support to people who need it that individuals can be a part of including:
- Facebook Gaming - Women in Gaming Initiative
- Women Making Games North East
For all women and marginalised genders who read this - We hear you. We support you - you will always be welcomed and can find a safe space in the pledge.

Do use this as an opportunity to shine a light on some of the amazing people you know; especially in the UK as we also celebrate Women's History Month throughout March.
For those who don't identity as a marginalised gender - we need your voices just as much as we fight for women and marginalised gendered people's voices to be heard in the UK and global games industry.
With support from the fellow Ukie initiative Digital Schoolhouse, below we have One Minute Mentor videos from some of strong, independent women who help make Ukie what it is today: