#RaiseTheGame Officially turns 1 - Time to Celebrate!
By Dominic Shaw on 05/02/2021
It is unbelievable to think that the pledge has been going for a full year now, yet as of this month the pledge turns 1 years old!

Despite the issues surrounding Brexit and Covid-19, the pledge has had over 100 organisations including international partners and supporters sign-up, various activities like our first season of pledge pillar roundtables take place, and different forms of engagement around equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) throughout 2020; resulting in some amazing and meaningful change brewing in the UK Games industry.
The pledge is constantly growing and it is all thanks to the hard work and efforts of our expanding band of like minded individuals and focused organisations who make up our network of pledge partners and supporters. This first anniversary is proof that there is great value in the initiative and the community it has created.
To celebrate this milestone we have a range of activities happening such as...
- The release of our One Year-On Report, a document that will spotlight accounts from pledge partners and supporters about their experience with the pledge and their own EDI journeys through case studies and testimonials.
- The Diverse Content, Diverse Creators #RaiseTheGame Showcase, that will feature interviews with those involved in the pledge and commemorate the diverse, inclusive and representative games and content that our partners have produced.
- The 'Bring Yourself To Work' #RaiseTheGame 1 Year Anniversary Webinar, where we have partnered up with RightTrack Learning to deliver a motivational 60-minute, interactive webinar to reflect on the active part we can play in building an inclusive workplace, starting with accepting and including ourselves.

Check out the event page and reserve your place for this fantastic opportunity!
On top of all of the above we are fuelling up the guidance and blog section of the #RaiseTheGame website with all sorts of content from best practice guidance, videos and snippets of the case studies that will feature in the One Year-On Report; alongside supporting other EDI focused events happening in February like the Gayming Awards 2021 and Devcom's Call for Change Summit.
The conversations around EDI and activities won't stop after February of course, as we have much more planned to come in 2021 and beyond. Nevertheless we hope you will join us to celebrate this landmark occasion and get involved.
Keep checking back to the #RaiseTheGame website for more content, sign-up to the #RaiseTheGame Newsletter for spotlight features, and follow Ukie's Twitter for announcements, news and details across the month of February!